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Dr Bubar Explains How the 3D Printing Community can contribute

Dr Bubar Explains How the 3D Printing Community can contribute

In this video I Interview Dr Eric Bubar where he Explains How the 3D Printing Community Can Contribute to eNable during the East Coast Rep Rap Festival ERRF2018. eNable is a Global Network Of Passionate Volunteers Using 3D Printing To Give The World A “Helping Hand.”. It is an organization that empowers the community to 3D Print and assemble prosthetic devices to individuals in need of all ages. Dr. Bubar shows and explains why the prosthetic devices were designed and how they eNable those to accomplish more with them.

Prosthetic devices can cost tens of thousands of dollars. These devices can be printed for the cost that is less than the roll of filament and assembled with hardware for well under $100. Several models are available for the community to download and print on their 3D Printer. These models include the Raptor Reloaded, the Team Unlimbited Arm, Osprey Hand, Cyborg Beast and the Pheonix Hand. There are more models available and you can visit the enabling the future website to learn more. Using 3D Printing To Give The World A “Helping Hand.”

3D Printer accessories are available here for you to contribute to eNable.

0:00 Introduction to eNable
0:08 Dr. Eric Bubar explains eNable
0:36 Super Hero Hands
1:20 Full limb prosthetics
2:00 Passive prosthetics
2:37 3D Scans of hands to become a mold
2:55 Prosthetic feet
3:18 Flexi-Hand and customized devices
4:23 How can you contribute?


Dr. Bubar’s Social Media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ebubar

eNable’s Social Media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Enablethefuture
Website: https://enablingthefuture.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enablethefuture/
YouTube: eNable

ERRF (Eastcoast Rep Rap Festival):

Joel Telling 3D Printing Nerd


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