Home ImprovementMailbox Installation and RepairU Do ItVideoHow to Install a Mailbox and a New Mailbox PostUDoIt10/05/202210/14/2024 by UDoIt10/05/202210/14/20240778 In this video I show you how to install a mailbox on a newly installed mailbox post. How high should you install it? There are...
DecorationsHalloween DecorationsMrs U Do ItVideoDecorative Bats are Perfect for your Classroom for HalloweenMrsUDoIt10/04/202207/29/2024 by MrsUDoIt10/04/202207/29/20240462 Since you don’t have much time to decorate your classroom, these cutout decorative bats are the perfect purchase to save you time. You’ll want to...
Home ImprovementLEDs & LightingU Do ItVideoImprove the vibe of your home with Philips Hue LEDsUDoIt10/02/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt10/02/202207/21/20240661 Installation of the Philips Hue LEDs to the back of your TV improves the vibe of your home theater or relaxing area. I used Scotch...
Kitchen & BathU Do ItVideoReplacing Frigidaire PureSource Ultra Water FilterUDoIt10/01/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt10/01/202207/21/20240408 Your water from your refrigerator has a bad taste or the replace water filter indicator is red. It’s time to replace your filter. My refrigerator...
FeaturedMusic StudioU Do ItVideoDIY Acoustic Panels for Better Sound TreatmentUDoIt09/30/202212/06/2023 by UDoIt09/30/202212/06/20230673 You want effective sound treatment for your studio then DIY Acoustic Panels is a great way using mineral wool, wood and speaker cloth. You get...
AutomotiveU Do ItVideoA Pet Cargo Liner will Keep your Cargo Area CleanUDoIt09/29/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt09/29/202207/21/20240608 You have an SUV or a car with fold-down seats and your car is a mess from your pets and the materials that you haul....
ElectricalGarageHome ImprovementU Do ItVideoWorkshopHow to Install an Electric Sub-Panel to Main PanelUDoIt09/28/202212/07/2023 by UDoIt09/28/202212/07/20230624 An electric sub panel is installed for many reasons. Adding additional breakers to a workshop for your power tools or lighting is a common one....
Coffee & Tea EssentialsU Do ItVideoMelitta Single Pour – Brewing Your Own Coffee VideoUDoIt09/27/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt09/27/202207/21/20241534 What’s more satisfying than buying a cup of coffee? Brewing your own coffee with the Melitta Single Pour at home and skipping the drive-thru line...
Equipment Maintenance & RepairLawn & GardenU Do ItVideoReplacing an Edger Blade is Easy with the Right Tools VideoUDoIt09/25/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt09/25/202207/21/20241491 In this video I show you how to replace a blade on a Sears Craftsman Edger 550 series model #247.772461. Replacing an Edger Blade is...
Lawn & GardenLawn and Garden ToolsTool ReviewsU Do ItVideoGreenworks Battery Powered Hedge TrimmerUDoIt09/24/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt09/24/202207/21/20241508 The Greenworks battery powered hedge trimmer features a 22-inch long double-sided cutting blade. It comes with a blade guard, a 24VDC battery and a battery...