Home ImprovementMusic StudioTape Measures, Squares, Levels, and LasersTool ReviewsU Do ItVideoHow to paint two tone colors with a laser levelUDoIt07/07/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt07/07/202207/21/20240662 How to paint two tone colors with a laser level Painting this room took about 5 hours of effort. It is approximately 8′ x 17′...
GarageHome ImprovementVideoWorkshopHow to Prepare Garage Walls for PaintingUDoIt04/13/202212/07/2023 by UDoIt04/13/202212/07/20231876 How to Prepare Garage Walls for Painting I invite you to celebrate this milestone with me. This was my first video on my YouTube channel...
ElectricalHome ImprovementU Do ItVideoHow to install a GFI outlet in basement from start to finishUDoIt03/31/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt03/31/202207/21/202401055 How to install a GFI outlet in basement In this video, we demonstrate how to install a GFI outlet in a basement to a newly...
Equipment Maintenance & RepairPressure WasherU Do ItVideoBriggs & Stratton Pressure Washer Starts But Suddenly StopsUDoIt03/27/202212/07/2023 by UDoIt03/27/202212/07/20230897 Briggs & Stratton Pressure Washer Starts But Suddenly Stops Although I’m able to start my pressure washer, which is a Troy-Bilt 875EX with a Briggs...
ExteriorGuttersHome ImprovementProduct ReviewsU Do ItVideoRepair a Leaky Gutter with Flex SealUDoIt03/21/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt03/21/202207/21/20240998 We need to repair a leaky gutter and the best way I thought to do this was using Flex Seal spray. I bought two cans...
AutomotiveMaintenanceProduct ReviewsU Do ItVideoReplace your air filter as part of your regular maintenanceUDoIt03/21/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt03/21/202207/21/20240763 Replace your air filter as part of your regular maintenance. I’m replacing an air filter in my Dodge Ram 2007 2500 Diesel 5.9L with a...
BreakfastCooking & BakingProduct ReviewsU Do ItVideoAdd flavor to your cereal with pistachiosUDoIt03/21/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt03/21/202207/21/20240610 Add flavor to your cereal with Pistachios Pistachios add great flavor and a crunchy texture to your cereal. I love Oats & Honey with Almonds...
Cooking & BakingDinnerProduct ReviewsU Do ItVideoEasy cleanup after reheating pizza on parchment paperUDoIt03/21/202207/21/2024 by UDoIt03/21/202207/21/20240748 Easy cleanup after reheating pizza on parchment paper The worst is trying to remove stuck pizza from a cookie sheet. Pizza that just seemed to...
MusicNo Cheese RecordsU Do ItVideoU Do It – Anti Cheese (Feat. Savvy Turtle, Northside Nate) (Official Audio)UDoIt03/20/202212/07/2023 by UDoIt03/20/202212/07/202301027 U Do It – Anti Cheese (Feat. Savvy Turtle, Northside Nate) (Official Audio) 2023 Release Savvy Turtle just don’t get it. We’re in group therapy...
MusicNo Cheese RecordsU Do ItVideoU Do It – Bigginz Group Therapy Feat. Savvy Turtle, Northside NateUDoIt03/20/202212/07/2023 by UDoIt03/20/202212/07/20230983 U Do It – Bigginz Group Therapy Feat. Savvy Turtle, Northside Nate 2023 Release Savvy Turtle and I are great friends. But, Savvy is for...