CarpentryDIY Build a ShedHome ImprovementPPE (Personal Protective Equipment)U Do ItVideoWorkshopDoes the RZ Mask Work as a Dust Mask?UDoIt11/14/202307/21/2024 by UDoIt11/14/202307/21/20240365 Does the RZ Mask work as a dust mask? I’m finally building the shed that I’ve written about. And I’m creating a lot of sawdust...
Audio GearLightingU Do ItVideoVideo and PhotographyEquipment I Use to Film my Workshop ProjectsUDoIt10/12/202307/21/2024 by UDoIt10/12/202307/21/20240329 The equipment I use to film my workshop projects ranges from tripods with cameras to lighting and C-stands. In this video, we cover what I...
Editor's PicksEquipmentHome ImprovementLawn & GardenLawn and Garden ToolsTool ReviewsToolsU Do ItVideoGreenworks Hedge Trimmer is Easy to UseUDoIt10/05/202307/21/2024 by UDoIt10/05/202307/21/20240418 The Greenworks Hedge Trimmer is easy to use as it is lightweight and balanced properly. It’s powerful enough to cut through the branches as demonstrated...
Editor's PicksHome ImprovementKitchen & BathU Do ItVideoHow to Replace a Broken MicrowaveUDoIt06/05/202307/21/2024 by UDoIt06/05/202307/21/20240481 In this video I demonstrate how to replace a broken microwave with a newer model. You don’t realize how much you rely on an appliance...
DIY Build a ShedHome ImprovementLawn and Garden ToolsTool ReviewsToolsU Do ItVideoWorkshopDo It Yourself Build a Shed – Bilt Hard Plate CompactorUDoIt05/23/202307/21/2024 by UDoIt05/23/202307/21/20240439 This is part of the Do It Yourself Build a Shed series. In this video, I unbox, assemble, and demonstrate the Bilt Hard Plate Compactor....
Editor's PicksHome ImprovementTool ReviewsU Do ItVacuums and Dust CollectionVideoWoodworkingWorkshopUnboxing the Oneida Air Systems Dust Deputy 2.5UDoIt05/20/202307/21/2024 by UDoIt05/20/202307/21/20240465 In this video I unbox the Oneida Air Systems Dust Deputy 2.5 Deluxe Cyclone Separator Kit. This is a complete kit and is ready to...
Editor's PicksExterior PaintingHome ImprovementLawn & GardenU Do ItUse Flex Seal to Protect WoodUDoIt05/17/202310/15/2024 by UDoIt05/17/202310/15/20240509 I use Flex Seal to protect wood in this planter I built. The planter will hold soil that will retain moisture. Even though the planter...
Home ImprovementLawn & GardenU Do ItVideoBuilding It – Raised Bed PlanterUDoIt05/16/202307/21/2024 by UDoIt05/16/202307/21/20240482 Gardening could never be easier with this raised bed planter and we’re building it right here on DIY with U Do It. Gardening is making...
DIY Build a ShedHome ImprovementMakerspace & WorkshopU Do ItVideoWorkshopDo It Yourself Build a Shed – Site Plan to RealityUDoIt05/10/202301/07/2024 by UDoIt05/10/202301/07/20240462 Site Plan to Reality is a continuation of Do It Yourself Build a Shed – Where to Start where we chose to build a 12′...
Home ImprovementSmoke DetectorU Do ItVideoReplace your Smoke Detector BatteryUDoIt05/03/202307/21/2024 by UDoIt05/03/202307/21/20240395 Replacing the smoke detector battery could give you the seconds you need to survive a house fire. You may only have seconds to escape, which...