MusicNo Cheese RecordsU Do It

Bigginz Group Therapy Sound Recording Copyright

Bigginz Group Therapy Copyright Registration has been received from the copyright office and filed under SR 923-965

The Bigginz Group Therapy sound recording copyright has been registered under SR 935-965 at the Copyright Office.

Bigginz Group Therapy Copyright Registration has been received from the copyright office and filed under SR 923-965

Track History

Bigginz Group Therapy track by U Do It features Savvy Turtle and Northside Nate is a comedic take on the contentious relationship Savvy Turtle and U Do It have with discussing the normally uncontroversial topic of cheese. Savvy Turtle and U Do It simply can’t see eye to eye on this food group.

Special Thanks

I want to thank my dear friend, mentor, and brother Savvy Turtle for all that he has done for me and my family. None of this would be possible without Savvy. We have had many late nights. Some of those late nights become late mornings playing checkers and building out all of this. Read more about this here.

Picked out for you


U Do It – Anti Cheese (Feat. Savvy Turtle, Northside Nate) (Official Audio)

U Do It – Anti Cheese (Feat. Savvy Turtle, Northside Nate) (Official Audio) – By U Do It


Savvy Turtle - Domesticated Man (Feat. Ryan Whyte Maloney) (Official Music Video)

Savvy Turtle – Domesticated Man (Feat. Ryan Whyte Maloney) (Official Music Video) – By Savvy Turtle


U Do It – Bigginz Group Therapy (Feat. Savvy Turtle) (Feat. Northside Nate) (Official Music Video)

U Do It – Bigginz Group Therapy (Feat. Savvy Turtle) (Feat. Northside Nate) (Official Music Video) – By U Do It


Savvy Turtle – Afterlife (Original Artist)

Savvy Turtle – Afterlife (Original Artist) – By Savvy Turtle


U Do It – Bigginz Group Therapy (Feat. Savvy Turtle, Northside Nate) (Instrumental)

U Do It – Bigginz Group Therapy (Feat. Savvy Turtle, Northside Nate) (Instrumental) – By U Do It


Savvy Turtle – Rock On (Original Artist)

Savvy Turtle – Rock On (Original Artist) – By  Savvy  Turtle

Savvy Turtle – Rock The Shell (Original Artist)

Savvy Turtle – Rock The Shell (Original Artist) – By Savvy Turtle


Music of the Day

Savvy Turtle – Afterlife (Original Artist)
Savvy Turtle – Afterlife

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What’s next? Check out About U Do It, History of U Do It, and Mrs U Do It to learn even more about U Do It.

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