Twisted Killer, a City in Fear: Dive into “Lenny Thompson: Lady Mantis” New Orleans, a city known for its vibrant culture and dark underbelly, becomes...
U Do It – Cheese Trauma Feat. Savvy Turtle, Northside Nate (Official Visualization Video) 2023 Release Savvy Turtle and I are beyond therapy! He trying to...
Thanks to my mentor, friend, and brother Savvy Turtle, we have released the Bigginz Group Therapy Album (2023 Release) featuring Savvy Turtle and Northside Nate...
Bigginz Group Therapy sound recording copyright has been registered under SR 935-965 at the Copyright Office. Track History Bigginz Group Therapy track by U Do...
Savvy Turtle Afterlife Original Artist Savvy Turtle wrote and composed Afterlife while recovering at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, to get out and express that...
Savvy Turtle Rock The Shell Original Artist While Savvy Turtle was recovering at Walter Reed Army Medical Center from 2005 through 2007, Savvy wrote &...